2 research outputs found

    Rethinking Person Re-identification from a Projection-on-Prototypes Perspective

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    Person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) as a retrieval task, has achieved tremendous development over the past decade. Existing state-of-the-art methods follow an analogous framework to first extract features from the input images and then categorize them with a classifier. However, since there is no identity overlap between training and testing sets, the classifier is often discarded during inference. Only the extracted features are used for person retrieval via distance metrics. In this paper, we rethink the role of the classifier in person Re-ID, and advocate a new perspective to conceive the classifier as a projection from image features to class prototypes. These prototypes are exactly the learned parameters of the classifier. In this light, we describe the identity of input images as similarities to all prototypes, which are then utilized as more discriminative features to perform person Re-ID. We thereby propose a new baseline ProNet, which innovatively reserves the function of the classifier at the inference stage. To facilitate the learning of class prototypes, both triplet loss and identity classification loss are applied to features that undergo the projection by the classifier. An improved version of ProNet++ is presented by further incorporating multi-granularity designs. Experiments on four benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed ProNet is simple yet effective, and significantly beats previous baselines. ProNet++ also achieves competitive or even better results than transformer-based competitors

    Exploring Fine-Grained Representation and Recomposition for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification

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    Cloth-changing person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) is a particularly challenging task, suffering from two limitations of inferior identity-relevant features and limited training samples. Existing methods mainly leverage auxiliary information to facilitate discriminative feature learning, including soft-biometrics features of shapes and gaits, and additional labels of clothing. However, these information may be unavailable in real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel FIne-grained Representation and Recomposition (FIRe2^{2}) framework to tackle both limitations without any auxiliary information. Specifically, we first design a Fine-grained Feature Mining (FFM) module to separately cluster images of each person. Images with similar so-called fine-grained attributes (e.g., clothes and viewpoints) are encouraged to cluster together. An attribute-aware classification loss is introduced to perform fine-grained learning based on cluster labels, which are not shared among different people, promoting the model to learn identity-relevant features. Furthermore, by taking full advantage of the clustered fine-grained attributes, we present a Fine-grained Attribute Recomposition (FAR) module to recompose image features with different attributes in the latent space. It can significantly enhance representations for robust feature learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FIRe2^{2} can achieve state-of-the-art performance on five widely-used cloth-changing person Re-ID benchmarks